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"Networked Life #328," by Richelle Gribble


"Networked Life #328 is designed utilizing 3-D modeling software.  Shapes repeat, link, and diverge from a central departing point.  Networks are examined through complex patterns and clusters of forms."





"Networked Life is a 365 day art project that originated on my Facebook page and evolved into a large-scale interactive installation and a computer game. It consists of 365 mixed-media images displaying various network systems. Viewers interact with the images and work together to build visual connections.  The puzzle-like installation is approximately 6 x 27 feet, each image is 6 x 6 inches.


This project originated as a social experiment to explore how information spreads and connects people on Facebook.  Each day I posted an image online to collect feedback and test virality of content.  The images contained graphics, photographs, symbols, and visual interpretations of networks.  This daily project escalated from a visual and conceptual exploration of networks into a method for communication; people wanted to contribute, offer assistance, share with friends, and ignite a public (visual) dialogue.  Networked Life evolved from making comparisons between networks (i.e. molecular systems, social networks, neural pathways, freeways systems, etc.) into a deep analysis of an important question: what does it mean to be connected?  The project serves as a unifying platform to communicate many voices, compile interdisciplinary research, and engage audiences both online and on-site."

ISSN 2325-6346

Cover art: "4: Munich," by Sarah Kayß.

Copyright 2014.  All works are the property of their respective creators. Site maintained by Stephanie Guo.

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