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Submission Guidelines

[Slippage] accepts work year-round, although we only publish two issues annually (Spring and Fall). We consider ORIGINAL, PREVIOUSLY UNPUBLISHED poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, scientific research papers, artwork, and photography*. We will not accept work previously published in other literary publications, but will make an exception for work previously published on a personal blog.


[Slippage] does not accept simultaneous submissions at this time. Upon acceptance, [Slippage] reserves the right to make in-house edits if necessary. As the author/artist, your piece belongs to you. We only ask for "first rights"*- the right to publish your piece first, before any other organization; we do not ask for "exclusive rights". Issues of [Slippage] will be published online, on this site. After publication in [Slippage], your pieces can be submitted to/published in other venues.


Submit all work to Include a short, <100 word biography in your query letter. We will attempt to get to your work as soon as possible.


*[Slippage] will sometimes solicit work from various artists and/or writers; in these cases, reprints may be published.




LIT​ (see "Scientific Literary Writing" below)

Please paste your submission into the body of the email.
POETRY: under 80 lines, as well as preferably single-spaced, please.
FICTION: anything under 5,000 words.
CREATIVE NONFICTION: any thing under 5,000 words.


Attach your submission to the email.
PHOTOGRAPHY/ART: make sure you attach your work to the email as a high-resolution .GIF or .JPEG.



Include an abstract, problem, hypothesis, materials, procedure, results, conclusions, and sources.

SCI ARTICLES/NONFICTION​ (see "Good Scientific Writing" below)

Anything under 5000 words.


**We are looking for scientific studies testing artistic hypotheses, or are art-related in nature.

We nominate to the Pushcart Prizes (fiction, verse, & creative nonfiction).

​Scientific Literary Writing (and its artistic equivalent)

Scientific literary writing is literary verse, fiction, and creative nonfiction incorporating scientific concepts/diction/figures in significant and meaningful ways. What differentiates scientific literary writing from the existing genres of science fiction and speculative poetry is its emphasis on accurate science. Ideally, a good piece of scientific literary writing should possess both artistic and scientific merit. An exemplary piece of scientific literary writing also proposes a new hypothesis to an existing scientific crux. This is our ultimate goal: the practical union of science and art. We believe that the metaphors, analogies, models, and holism inherent in art are integral to the hypothesis generation process in science - - as Marc Quinn once said, " is looking for answers and art is looking for questions - - that is, art can provide the questions for science to answer.

Although we aren't quite there yet, through promoting and publishing scientific literary writing, we aim to provide a platform for thought-provoking discussion between artists and scientists.

Good Scientific Writing (nonfiction)

One of our more immediate goals is to facilitate greater communication between artists and scientists - - we are looking for the human element in scientific nonfiction. We do not believe in jargon for the sake of jargon in either science or art and are looking for clear, concise writing that elucidates difficult scientific concepts. [Slippage] hopes that greater communication will lead to the generation of scientific hypotheses by artists for scientists to test.

ISSN 2325-6346

Cover art: "4: Munich," by Sarah Kayß.

Copyright 2014.  All works are the property of their respective creators. Site maintained by Stephanie Guo.

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