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"Networked Life #361," by Richelle Gribble


"Networked Life #361 shows how flight patterns intersect and separate in different directions, which mirrors elements of network forms.  It also references the industry itself, which consists of flights within domestic or international networks.  The image is composed of graphic images overlaying a digital photograph."





"Networked Life is a 365 day art project that originated on my Facebook page and evolved into a large-scale interactive installation and a computer game. It consists of 365 mixed-media images displaying various network systems. Viewers interact with the images and work together to build visual connections.  The puzzle-like installation is approximately 6 x 27 feet, each image is 6 x 6 inches.


This project originated as a social experiment to explore how information spreads and connects people on Facebook.  Each day I posted an image online to collect feedback and test virality of content.  The images contained graphics, photographs, symbols, and visual interpretations of networks.  This daily project escalated from a visual and conceptual exploration of networks into a method for communication; people wanted to contribute, offer assistance, share with friends, and ignite a public (visual) dialogue.  Networked Life evolved from making comparisons between networks (i.e. molecular systems, social networks, neural pathways, freeways systems, etc.) into a deep analysis of an important question: what does it mean to be connected?  The project serves as a unifying platform to communicate many voices, compile interdisciplinary research, and engage audiences both online and on-site."

ISSN 2325-6346

Cover art: "4: Munich," by Sarah Kayß.

Copyright 2014.  All works are the property of their respective creators. Site maintained by Stephanie Guo.

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