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Breadscape and Compositional Extract II, by Eleanor Gates-Stuart

[SLIPPAGE]: In "BreadScape," what, exactly, does the topography represent? Do the spikes represent increases in elasticity?


EGS: Breadscape and Compositional Blends are represented as a world  where structures and landscape are defined as texture and surface... a world where a hole can lead to a tunnel and the strength of connected tunnels can create huge strength and expanse.


[SLIPPAGE]: What kind of bread did you model here (rye, whole wheat, white)?

EGS: In BreadScape, the bread is multigrain; in Compositional Blends, it is high fibre white.


[SLIPPAGE]: Why did you create this piece?

EGS: Actually, I made this work with three interesting science stories in mind. They relate to ingredients in bread, manufacturing processes, and bioinformatics, respectively. First, I had the opportunity to visit a huge commercial bakery and experience automated production of bread and scale of operation; second, I was inspired by CSIRO’s research in creating mathematical models of bread texture to understand how porosity affects bread texture; third, I found the use of compositional data in food futures to be very fascinating.

© Eleanor Gates-Stuart​

Above: "Breadscape," Below: "Compositional Extract II" (AKA "Compositional Blends")

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